From March 2005 ALL employers in the UK above a certain
size will have to establish Works Councils for on-going consultation
with employees.
This will have to be "Meaningful" consultation and the scope of issues
that have to be consulted on has widened dramatically. A formal body
such as a Works Council will also have to be set up as consulting individual
employees will not be sufficient. The process must be designed to enable
management to commit to an on going dialogue with staff with the objective
of reaching an agreement, whilst it will not be required to reach an
actual agreement.
Remember, the requirement will be to give information on recent and
probable business development and any measures relating to staff and
any plans that could decide to change contractual relations or work
organisation. Employee representatives will also have the protection
in employment law, particularly against dismissal.
You need to be aware that trade unions
will see this legislation as an opportunity to strengthen their
position and recruit new members, with the assistance of the ERA99
act, they can get their members as representatives on elected councils
even where they do not have a representative agreement with the
company. |
This consultative directive is going to cause a large
cultural shift in UK business, by planning ahead, and installing the
representative bodies you want, and that fit the business, you wont
have to wait until the legislation and employee or trade union pressure
forces you to comply.
Remember, this will affect the decision making process
in the company and will have to be understood and be part of the business
process. Properly planned and implemented this could be a positive influence
on future employee relations and communications,if it's forced in as
a result of third party pressure it could result in making life difficult.
If you want more
information and need to talk to people who can really help.... contact
us....... 01244 341241 |