Bespoke workshops.....programmes
designed for YOU.
By listening to the issues and problems you are facing
we would hope to help you develop a proposal for a tailored solution,
specifically designed to meet your needs.
Ideally, we prefer to produce a proposal live and with your input, after
all, nobody knows your business better than you. Your commitments may
not make this possible, so we are flexible in our approach to ensure
we provide you with the best proposed solution possible.
We believe that by combining your unique knowledge of
your business with our experience and proven processes - together we
can provide a solution that can not only acheive, but exceed your expectations.
If you would like an informal chat about arranging a bespoke solution
for your business, call us on 01244 341241 or email

What do others say about our workshops and programmes
"Thanks and congratulations on what I personally
consider to have been one of the best week's training I have ever attended."
Managing Director - Giba Geigy Division
"Your development lead, with our Dealers, has kept us that 15 minutes
ahead!" Director of Personnel, Volvo
"Thank you again for the valuable information you have given us. I have
found that applying (or maybe still trying to apply) the techniques
and ideas you have given us is both challenging and very rewarding".
Apple Computers
. "Many thanks for your valuable input in contributing to this success.
I will be in touch to arrange further training programmes." Managing
Director, Silberline
"Let me again express my appreciation for the obvious effort and commitment
you put into the week and also advise you that, I believe, I am already
benefiting from putting into practice many of the theories we discussed".
Branch Manager - Abbey National
"Gwyn has shown us how to talk to each other so that all our employees
know what we mean". Docklands Light Railway
"Thanks to David Wall, I learnt more about my role in the company in
three days than in two years of campaigns!" Manager
- British Sugar
"Total Course = wonderful. Highly motivated, excellently presented.
Instilled optimism and enthusiasm and a feeling of opportunity. Can
I reiterate my further belief that in David Wall you have chosen one
of the best proponents of teaching the issues of leadership that I have
met". Branch Manager - Abbey National
"I’ve found the last 2 days motivational
and I have definitely considered realistic positive ways forward while
improving my knowledge in these areas. Excellent. Thanks again"
- Virgin Atlantic Airways