To support our change projects and programmes leading-change
provides a range of innovative processes, tools and techniques for every
stage of the journey through change.
These materials, developed by our partner organisation
The Centre for Leadership Studies - Europe
are available under licence, instruct, advise and coach on successful
techniques. They are designed to challenge thinking, guide actions,
focus attention and transfer knowledge. They provide a unique medium
for developing a consistent company wide approach to leadership and
major change.
This workbook is aimed at clarifying the research and thinking behind
the development of the approach used by successful leaders. It develops
the readers understanding of leadership in its broadest terms and takes
a step by step approach to building their knowledge about the skills
and behaviours that are proven to bring successful results.
These full colour models capture and succinctly summarise the findings
(above) in a graphic way.
The findings of the questionnaires highlight people's strengths together
with areas to address. These surveys are used to pinpoint key areas
for development and performance improvement using the "Towards
the Complete Leader" approach.
- "self" - is
completed by the person being assessed on their leadership skills
and behaviours.
- "other"- is completed on that person
by their boss, their peers and their direct reports
- "group other" - is completed about
a specific group of the same grade or level
i.e all team leaders, all sales managers, the board etc.
and action planning document
We have developed a manual method analysing/interpreting results "live"
at a workshop. With guidance by the Facilitator/Tutor the participants
plot and interpret their scores using this detailed 8 page document.
This helps to provide initial feedback during the workshop/session.
REPORT - analysis for more indepth
Reports are returned prior to workshops in electronic/hard copy format.
Questionnaires are completed, a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the workshop
and returned to support centre for analysis and the creation of summary