The Future ®" |
In a nutshell ....
You might not like where you are, but if
you can't see an alternative …. what next?
You might see a better place to be, but if you can't build a bridge
from where you are ….what next? And if you love it where you are but
its no longer relevant …..what then?!
"Shaping the future®" links your present and future
thinking with the present and future practices that will enable you
to create a future you seek. It helps you become what you really want
to be - as a business, team or individual.
It stems from the understanding that without some concept
of what your business, your team or you are aiming to be, you really
can't build a strategy to deliver it. Likewise, without a coherent strategy,
you can't establish the essential every day activities that bring your
concept to life. Similarly unless we link what we think and do "now"
with what we need to think and do "then" we'll fail to truly understand
what we're aiming at and how to bridge the time "in between".
Without a clear understanding of the changing context
of the business, it's underlying purpose and the strategies most likely
to deliver success, there is a danger you could be busy doing the wrong
things! It's bad enough going in the wrong direction - it's got to be
mad to work hard getting there!

Why "Shaping the future ®" ?
For years people at all levels have been sent
on training courses and coaching events to try and change their habits,
but without really influencing their THINKING - and we wonder why nothing
It is changed or alternative thinking that makes
connections amongst seemingly disparate issues. Blind thinkers would
have never seen two low cost airlines rethinking air travel, and becoming
not only the fastest growing airlines in Europe...... but the only growing
In chaotic times of rapid change successful businesses
must constantly seek to create the changes in their markets or at least
adapt to them. And why those markets? Many things we do today, may not
be appropriate or even relevant in the future - and the way people act
and behave may be the only real way to differentiate a company in the
eyes of its customers - or an individual in the eyes of an employer!
Its not that "THEY" have to change it's that "I" have
to. But to what? And how?
To be able to change, we have to "unlearn" the way we
THINK as well as the way we ACT! We will not change our thinking or
habits unless a mixture of a compulsive and more exciting future and
an appreciation that things could be better - drives the change. Change
has to touch people emotionally and channel their feelings for it to

How does "Shaping the future®" help me?
"Shaping the future" provides clarity, direction
and focus for the longer term, a picture or concept of the future or
"sense of purpose" that is understood and shared by everyone in your
organisation. As the past has shaped the way you work today, so this
will shape the way you work in the future.
It links the three levels of thinking:
Concept----------------- Strategy ---------------------
With three key timescales:
Now ------------------- in Between--------------------Then
Today the period we are in "now"- (today's
daily detail and why we do it that way!)
Sometime in the future "then" - (a
shared sense of purpose and what it looks
like when realised)
The interim/transition period "in between"
- (where we all appear to spend so much of our
We demonstrate that "time in between" is the time where
we can "change thinking", "change strategy" and "change habits". The
heart of the process is creating a "day in the life of your future®"
- a comprehensive, multi media description of your aspirations realised
that gives real meaning to what you're aiming at.
Our "nine box"© model has proved time and time
again, to be what our clients consider "an extraordinarily powerful
land innovative tool" . It's there to help you and your business
conceive and deliver that "day in the life of your future" you seek.
"Shaping the Future" is a practical business and personal
tool developed from over 20 years research and experience of major change
projects. It is used by organisations, teams and individuals to help
simplify and prioritise the complexities of change, and to implement
integrated, holistic solutions.
A powerful tool, "Shaping the Future" helps you and
your business to succeed in an ever more demanding future

Bespoke workshops
and materials are available